How Often Should I Have My House
Professionally Cleaned?
It is often asked, how often do I need professional cleaning in my home?
This a question many homeowners ask them selves. The problem is, there is no one size fits all answer. There are many factors that come into play.
How Many People Reside in the Home?
This one kind of makes sense if you think about it. If you live by yourself, you probably will not need you house cleaned as often as, let’s say a family of five or six. This is just a general rule to follow.
How Much Does Each Call Cost?
The depends from company to company and the services you are looking for. Also something else you would need to consider is, how many square feet is your home? What level of cleaning are you looking for?
Are You Willing to Clean in Between Visits?
Level of Cleanliness
Choosing Your Own Schedule
Most often people will opt for monthly service at first to see if it is sufficient. From there they might choose a bi-weekly service. This is the best way to figure out how often and how much your house cleaning service needs to visit.
Most often people will opt for monthly service at first to see if it is sufficient. From there they might choose a bi-weekly service. This is the best way to figure out how often and how much your house cleaning service needs to visit.